Friday, 26 July 2024

Climate warning to politicians

Sir David Attenborough has launched an outspoken attack on senior politicians who deny the dangers of climate change, accusing them of taking the “easier” option of deliberately ignoring the evidence.

The veteran wildlife broadcaster spoke out as a group of economists called on the United Nations to abandon its target of limiting the global temperature increase to 2C.

He said government leaders have a duty to tackle the “major, serious problem” facing humanity as temperatures rise.

The respected 88-year-old spoke out just a day after records showed 2014 was the UK’s warmest year since records began – beating 2006 to claim the title of the warmest 12 months since 1910.

Hitting out at climate change deniers for ignoring the “overwhelming” evidence of its effects on the environment, Sir David said it was time for a collective effort to the tackle the issue.

“Wherever you look there are huge risks,” he said. “The awful thing is that the people in authority and power deny that when the evidence is overwhelming.

“They deny it because it’s easier to deny it. It’s a very major, serious problem facing humanity but at the same time it would be silly to minimise the size of the problem.

“Never in the history of humanity in the last 10 million years have all human beings got together to face one danger that threatens us. It’s a big ask but the penalty of not taking notice is huge.”

Clive Simpson

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